
We really do care about your privacy. Read the most important points regarding your data below.

YOU can upload personal content data (images, messages and GPS locations) to our servers. They are private to your group and are deleted after 23 days days.

YOUR personal content in a group is removed instantly, if you choose to leave that group.

YOUR personal content is deleted instantly, if you choose to close your account.

YOUR data is shared with no 3rd party.


YOUR data is stored in a secure location in Europe. Only a handful of people have access to the servers and the data, but if you do not trust them or the security, you should not use this app.

Please get in touch if you have any concerns.

Background locations

You can enable location updates while the app is in the background. This will save your latest location on our server. Only members of the same group can access the location.

Personal contacts

You can give the app access to your personal contacts. This will allow you to invite friends by using their email to join your group. It is not required and the app does not copy your contacts.